As a holistic healthcare professional, Andrew Thomasson treats patients as individuals by pulling from modalities such as acupuncture, cupping, Graston technique and gua sha, kinesiology taping, abdominal and body work, and herbal formulation.
AcupunctureAcupuncture seeks to balance the two opposing forces of yin and yang by altering the flow of qi resulting in changes in body functions and chemicals such as: blood flow, brain activity, nerve growth factor (NFG), hormones, histamine, and serotonin. The ancient practice of acupuncture has received increasing attention in recent decades as studies continue to support that regular acupuncture is effective at healing the body and preventing disease. Although we are discovering new effects all the time, the World Health Organization currently recognizes acupuncture as effective for the following conditions:
CuppingCupping uses suction to mobilize soft tissue in an effort to release fascia and break up stasis associated with muscle tension. Increased blood flow can help the body detoxify and recover from injury and workouts. Cupping may also be utilized for cosmetics such as in facial cupping or to loosen phlegm in the lung in the case of flash cupping. Cupping is not necessarily appropriate for all discomforts, so a full intake is recommended. Cup marks may range in color and duration and cause a healing response in the body. The most common result of cupping is a sense of relaxation and increased range of motion contributing to greater well being.
Herbal Formulations & Dietary ConsultationHerbs have been healing aberrations of the human condition since the dawn of man. Studies abound showing how various plants can positively impact imbalances, increase vitality, and lengthen life. Even food itself is not just fuel for the body but medicine when applied properly. Indeed, a myriad of conditions can be corrected by altering the diet, adjusting spices, or taking time-tested herbal formulas.
Graston Technique & Gua ShaGraston Technique (GT) is an instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) technique that utilizes specialized stainless steel tools to break up muscle lesions and adhesions and recruit fibroblasts into the area to promote and speed healing. Gua sha has similarities to GT in the area of releasing tight muscles and reducing inflammation, but it can also be used to benefit the immune system, help alleviate migraines, and reduce perimenopausal symptoms.
Kinesiology TapingA flexible and breathable tape cues mechanoreceptors increasing body awareness (proprioception) thereby correcting form and posture both consciously and subconsciously through the cerebellum. In addition, KT opens space in the lymphatic system allowing for faster healing, decreased fluid retention, and greater detoxification.
Japanese Hara WorkAbdominal work can increase blood flow to organs, release a congested gallbladder, assist in digestion, and help tissue such as the liver regenerate. By relaxing ligaments and muscles organs can find their way back to where they belong allowing the diaphragm to promote easy breathing.